The Tower

The Tower is the located in The City, the last remaining safe haven of humanity after the collapse. This is the home of the Guardians, and the central hub of players in the game. The Tower has various NPCs and shops players can utilize as they see fit. It is also worth noting that the view in the tower changes to third-person view compared to the usual first-person perspective when doing missions.

The Tower has six smaller areas, all connected from the main area called the Tower Plaza.
- Hall of Guardians
- Tower Hangar
- Tower North
- Tower Plaza
- Tower Watch
- Traveler's Walk

Tip: There's a special NPC named Xur that appears only during weekends and can be found on different locations of the tower every week. He sells exotic equipment in exchange for Strange Coins and Motes of Light.

Tower Plaza

The Tower Plaza is the main area where players arrive when visiting the tower. From here, players can access the other areas in the tower since this is the central area connecting all of them.
Points of Interest
- Vaults
Players can access the vaults to deposit their items, weapons, and equipment. The items stored in the vault is shared among the player's characters so it is possible to keep good equipment that you've outgrown so your lower level alternate character can use it. (except for armors that are class-exclusive) - Banshee-44 (Gunsmith)
This NPC sells basic weapons in exchange for glimmer (game's currency). He is quite useful in the early parts of the game but will quickly become a non-essential for high-level Guardians later on. - Kadi 55-30 (Postmaster)
This is where you can retrieve messages, Bounty Leads, or recover Lost Engrams. - Master Rahool (Cryptarch)
One of the important NPCs players will probably interact the most. The Cryptarch "decrypts" or identifies Engrams, which are unidentified pieces of equipment that varies in rarity. It is worth nothing that the items you'll get are not guaranteed based on the color of the Engram alone. For example, decrypting a blue (Rare) engram can still yield a green (Uncommon) Engram. Aside from decrypting Engrams, you can also surrender important artifacts that you can get from defeating powerful enemies and bosses in exchange for Glimmer and Reputation. The Cryptarch sells Engrams himself, and has quite infamous with players because of the inconsistency of his decryptions.
- Tess Everis (Special Orders)
Serves as the broker for special items - Xander 99-40 (Bounty Tracker):
Provides a rotating inventory of Bounties or sidequests which awards players with rewards upon completion. Previously completed Bounties still appear and can be completed again
Traveler's Walk
This area is only open when there's an ongoing event. The NPC you can interact will also depend on the event being held.

Hall of Guardians

Located in the lower area north of the Plaza, you'll find NPCs selling Crucible gear as well as class mentors called Vanguards. During the course of the story missions, you'll visit these mentors to turn over story-related items and get rewards in return. They also sell basic armors based on their own classes.
Points of Interest
- Arcite 99-40 (Crucible Quartermaster):
You can exchange Crucible Marks to get legendary weapons. Increase your Crucible Reputation to gain access to better gear in his inventory. At LV3 reputation, you can also buy better Sparrows with increased speed and durability. He also offers trading materials (Spinmetal, Helium Filaments, Spirit Bloom, or Relic Iron) in exchange for valuable Crucible Marks and Reputation. - Lord Shaxx (Crucible Handler):
You can exchange Crucible Marks to get legendary armors. Increase your Crucible Reputation to gain access to better gear in his inventory. You can also get invitations to special crucible events from him - Ikora Rey (Warlock Vanguard):
The mentor for new Warlocks. You can also purchase low-level armor from her in exchange for Glimmer. Raise your Vanguard Rank for her to open her inventory of Legendary armors. You can only purchase these using Vanguard Marks. You can also purchase emblems from her exclusive to Warlocks.
- Commander Zavala (Titan Vanguard):
The mentor for new Titans. You can also purchase low-level armor from him in exchange for Glimmer. Raise your Vanguard Rank for him to open her inventory of Legendary armors. You can only purchase these using Vanguard Marks. You can also purchase emblems from him exclusive to Titans.
- Cayde-6 (Hunter Vanguard):
The mentor for new Hunters. You can also purchase low-level armor from him in exchange for Glimmer. Raise your Vanguard Rank for him to open her inventory of Legendary armors. You can only purchase these using Vanguard Marks. You can also purchase emblems from him exclusive to Hunters.
Tower Hangar

Points of Interest
You can purchase new jumpships from her once you reach LV5. You can also purchase Sparrows with improved speed and durability from her. She doesn't maintain a Reputation Rank unlike other merchant NPCs.

This NPC sells Legendary Weapons and Armor in exchange for Vanguard Marks. However, you need to reach LV20 first and increase your Vanguard Rank (reputation). You can also purchase rare Sparrows and exchange materials (Spinmetal, Helium Filaments, Spirit Bloom, or Relic Iron) for Vanguard Reputation and Vanguard Marks.

Arach belongs to the Dead Orbit faction, one of the three optional factions in the game. In order to access his inventory, you have to increase your Dead Orbit reputation first. This is done by buying and equipping a Dead Orbit cloak, mark, or bond (these are class-exclusive equipment) and completing various activities (Crucible matches, Bounties, Patrol missions, etc). The reputation that normally goes to Crucible or Vanguard reputation will be counted towards this faction instead. Once your rank has increased, you can buy Legendary weapons and armor from him in exchange for Crucible Marks.

Lakshmi-2 belongs to the FWC (Future War Cult) faction, one of the three optional factions in the game. In order to access her inventory, you have to increase your FWC reputation first. This is done by buying and equipping a FWC cloak, mark, or bond (these are class-exclusive equipment) and completing various activities (Crucible matches, Bounties, Patrol missions, etc). The reputation that normally goes to Crucible or Vanguard reputation will be counted towards this faction instead. Once your rank has increased, you can buy Legendary weapons and armor from her in exchange for Crucible Marks.

Tower North

Points of Interest
- The Speaker (Voice of the Traveler):
An ancient scholar of the Traveler, the Speaker keeps special items for Guardians who explore the Light’s mysteries. Using Motes of Light as currency, the Speaker can sell you unique Emblems and Exotic armors.
- Executor Hideo (New Monarchy):
Executor Hideo belongs to the New Monarchy faction, one of the three optional factions in the game. In order to access her inventory, you have to increase your New Monarchy reputation first. This is done by buying and equipping a New Monarchy cloak, mark, or bond (these are class-exclusive equipment) and completing various activities (Crucible matches, Bounties, Patrol missions, etc). The reputation that normally goes to Crucible or Vanguard reputation will be counted towards this faction instead. Once your rank has increased, you can buy Legendary weapons and armor from him in exchange for Crucible Marks.
- Eva Levante (Guardian Outfitter):
Customize your character's look using the shaders (color scheme) and emblems sold by this NPC.
Comments for The Tower
2 comments, latest first.Yeah, how do I get out of here and go on a mission? I do not like games that assume I know what to do.
| Added 12th Sep 2017, ID #93
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